Friday, September 21, 2007

Weekend with Mom

So, my mom is visiting... Good times. So far, we've had an ambulance ride, came an inch from the rear end of a moose, 10 feet from a bison, and dumped a canoe into the Snake River and lost a paddle. You could say we were up a creek without a paddle and you would be 100% correct. If she were a lesser woman, she would never come visit us again. The river rangers had to come bring us a paddle. Embarrasing? Eh, if you can't laugh at yourself... Right. As it is, however, she appreciated the attractiveness of the medical staff at St. Johns Hospital, is not afraid of large woodland creatures at close range, and thought that flipping the canoe in a raging torrent was a great adventure. Thank goodness! She is, however, beating us all royally at Euchre and I think enjoying every minute of that. Today I suggested she lay low, read a book, and hang out with Bear. She said he made it to the dumpster in the parking lot before he realized she was not me and laid down in the road. He's a bit snobby. I'm back at work, lamenting. Hopefully the rest of the visit will be a bit more uneventful. ;) Clay and Aimee and I decided that every weekend should be at least three days long.


Unknown said...

Your trip sounds great. I wish I were there.

Unknown said...

I had the time of my life! I loved it all-your fantasic friends, the wonderful wildlife, the cold water,charades, the E.R. and especially my beautiful Mo. Love always. Mom