Thursday, January 17, 2008

The end of an era, sort of

Having not worked since September 30th, I have decided it is time to say goodbye to my ever so nice unemployment caseworker, Karin, and start working. Sort of. And it's okay to mock me for that last statement. I've come to terms with having a caseworker. It's humbling. As are many things I have done this winter. I really should have kept a running tab of all of the applications. Ah, what a girl will do for powder days. Speaking of powder days... so this job... I'm substitute teaching. It's like real teaching only the kids behave twice as badly. So, reaffirming my inability to teach as a profession, but the hours are fantastic and the pay is pretty darn good for a 7 hour workday. And, no holidays, weekends, or powder days. Meets all requirements. Livin' the dream.

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