Thursday, January 24, 2008

That's ADJUDICATED youth to you.

So, remember when you were six and your mom took your picture on your first day of school? Well, that's what we did to Clay. Except it was work, and it wasn't quite the first day, but whatever. For those of you who haven't heard about Clay's newest career move, he is working at a center for adjudicated youth in Yearington, Nevada. Right. You're all saying, "Oh, that is my personal hell!" Don't feel bad. We all said that to him. It's fine. So every other week, Clay gets in his four cylinder, stick shift, 100 and god-knows-how-many-thousand-miles-on-it truck and drives away from the beautiful Sierras to Yearington. Home of a NAPA and a bank. AND... Right of Passage, a program for kids who seemed to have missed the lesson on how to NOT blow up cop cars or attempt to murder the cashier at the Circle K. And Clay has taken it upon himself to learn a multitude of restraining techniques in hopes of changing lives. Or at least keeping them from stabbing one another with plastic macaroni covered forks. Little Victories. So every other week, Aimee and I send him off to the trenches for 7 days straight, where he works 16 hour days and gets to wear this super-cool uniform. Chicks dig it. He also makes just enough money to support our drinking of quality micro-brews while he's gone. It's a really neat arrangement. So, here's to Clay, changing lives one carotid restraint at a time! Cheers!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Go Clay Dogg go!