Friday, February 1, 2008

How to Cure a Root Canal

Obviously I did not go to dental school, but I do know that really there is no cure for a root canal, other than Hanna Barbera Push-Up Pops. But here's how you make it better.

Step1: Make your appointment no more than 10 minutes from the nearest lift and sometime between 7 and 8 am so you can still hit the steeps when they're done blasting.

Step 2: Bring lots of painkillers.

Step 3: Ignore the "Lot Full" sign. It's noon. The nancies went home already. That rockstar parking spot right by the lift is yours!

Step 4: You've got to want it. It's at least 6,000 separate lift rides to the best snow. Bundle up, bring some snacks, and suck it up.

Step 5: Boldly go where you have never gone before. It snowed 1.5 feet last night. Find those two little black diamonds with the letters in them. EX just means ski EXtra fast to get through all the snow.

Step 6. Let the skis teeter precariously over the edge of where you're dropping in. It makes you feel bad ass.

Step 7: Drop in! Drop your knee to the ski, lift that heel and happily carve your root canal away through the 2 feet of fresh powder, because EX also means fresh tracks at noon thanks to the avalanche blasting.

Step 8: Ski 'till your legs hurt. It'll distract you from the pain in your teeth.

Step 9: Go have a beer. It fixes everything.

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