Thursday, February 12, 2009

A Girl and Her Dog

No this is not about Bear, wonder dog, and I, although clearly by this blog's content and title, we think highly of both the dog and the "girl and her dog" concept. This morning, I was meandering down a bayshore sidewalk with my cup of chai and Starbucks (read: Evil Empire of the Coffee Kingdom) oatmeal really just watching the INSANE folks swimming in the San Francisco Bay in 50 degree weather, checking out the herons, and talking on the phone. Clearly. What struck me about this scene was a girl and her dog. Most people take their dogs out for walks and walk the dog as if it were a task or chore that is to be accomplished before they go do something else. Or walk the dog and talk on the phone. Or walk the dog and wish they were doing something else. This girl, in her leather cowboy boots, fringed suede skirt and neatly fitted jacket, was really in it for the dog. She carried a purple "Chuck-it" toy and a star studded leash (literally, as if it were bedazzled or something), and laughed out loud as her tiny long haired dachsund willed its little legs to beat that damn tennis ball to the the pelting waves, as if the little pooch knew those waves would swallow him up. He wrenched that ball out of the surf with much difficulty and returned it to the safety of his owners feet and proceded to sit obediently, waiting for another go. His girl was all too happy to do it again, smiling and giggling as she watched that cute little mistake of dog breeding chase that ball into the surf once again. That might be the most joy I have seen before 730 in the morning in a very long time. So here's to finding joy in simple pleasures and not taking out furry friends for granted.


Amy said...

Here's to being a careful observer of life and taking away such a nice message from a chance incident!

Still Wandering said...

Dogs bring happiness everyday, no matter how you feel or what your day was like you can't help but smile when you come home and they're waiting for you... wanting to play and enjoy life. That alone is inpsiration. Yay for the girl (and boy for that matter) and their dog!

Aimee said...

Yay for girls and dogs :)