Monday, November 5, 2007

So, this is fun?

Actually, its not too bad, saved by intermittent bursts of hilarity and the three legged wonder dog, who is funny doing just about anything. Particularly chasing his new doggie disc. Sometimes there is an occasional face plant, but he's getting better at it.

This week, I survived pepper spray. Oh, suck. I would rather be beaten, tazed, or made to run a marathon in Death Valley than do that again. It felt like I had sand in my eyes for 3 days. Not even living on islands for 2 years prepares you for that. But they're starting to focus again, and after rubbing my eyeballs with Johnson's baby shampoo, the burning did eventually subside after 55 minutes of excruciating pain. Mostly, it was sweet.

Today is drive fast day. Going okay. Made it through the course only hitting one cone. Wonder if that was the pregnant nun. Hear you get more points for those.

And a recreational triumph (who'd-a-thunk, in wine country...) Climbed my first 5.10a in 7 years. Yep, I'm bragging. It hurt and I was excited. My finger tips are still sore! I forgot how much I love climbing. Plan to do lots more in the next 4 weeks. Woohoo!

Thats this week's skinny. Missing snow. Wish I was skiing. :)

Photo is me with my eyeballs pried open into a fan to make the hurting stop. Neato. I love Ranger Academy.

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