Sunday, August 2, 2009

A Box of Joy

Did you guys ever see that Scrubs episode where JD and Turk get two prizes out of the same cereal box and it was the best day of their lives? Well, we had a similar moment last night at the Octagon. Aimee was pouring a bowl of Cinnamon Toast Crunch after a long mountain bike ride and lo and behold, out of the box flops a plastic bag encased thing right in the Cinnamon Toast Crunch. Of course we had no idea what this treasure actually was until we opened the bag. Now, to set this up, we had already this week discussed that Sid the Sloth was Aimee's favorite Ice Age character. (Yes, we are all rapidly approaching 30). The cereal treasure was, as if willed by fate, a Sid the Sloth pencil topper. We will now come up with excuses to use pencils for at least the next day or two. It's good to know there is still joy to be found in cereal boxes.

1 comment:

Aimee said...

I love that you wrote a blog entry about my sweet score from the Cinnamon Toast Crunch box!! Outstanding :)