Saturday, August 8, 2009

When I grow up I want to be a...

Strangely, when I was in San Francisco this week, I stopped at a random museum on one of the Piers in Fisherman's Wharf. A friend told me that I had to see it. Well, do you all remember the weird carnival fortune teller from the movie Big? Creepy. This museum was full of such gems. My favorite, however, was the "Career Pilot". As someone who has more career ADD than anyone I know, I found this fitting. I go through this about once a month: What should I do when I grow up? Rapidly approaching 30, I often feel that I should be grown up already. Perhaps its a function of my chosen line of work... the move around to move up culture. I was sure I'd just hang out in Mammoth for a while. But as I am nearing the close of my second summer here, I'm getting the itch to move on to a new adventure in a new place. Perhaps it will subside. Perhaps not. I wish it was all as clear as this game in which you load your quarters, spin a wheel, and you too could be a Love Pirate or an Adagio Dancer. To all those Adagio Dancers and Fish Peddlers out there, cheers! Way to follow your dreams!


jimmy said...

so what did the career pilot tell you to be?

maureenfinnerty said...

ironically, i had no quarters. figures, huh?

Unknown said...

My wife an I have this conversation about five times a year. Currently, she wants to be an art conservator and I want to be an arborist. But I'm already gravitating toward lion tamer.

jimmy said...

No, no be a Lion Wilder. Make the lions crazy and unpredictable. Who wants to see a tame lion.

B said...

I'm leaning towards Love Pirate, although I'm wondering what the job qualifications are because my sword skills are woefully deficient. Although I can fling a good "ARRRR" with the best of them.