Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Back on the Horse

After 2 weeks of Grey's reruns and complete boredom, I've decided to go back to work. It's not quite better, but I can't sit on the couch any more. Funny thing, though... In my search for a cure for this rib muscle thing I went to a chiropractor. I'm not sure where my delusion of chiropractics came from, but I was clearly deluted. So I show up for my appointment and walk into this room that smells like a combination of fried rice and incense. Now I like to burn the Nag Champa as much as the next dirty, but I think its important to separate things you do at home with things you do at work when you have letters after your name. My chiropractor was barefoot. Dead giveaway. It was first time I went to a doctor's "office" and didn't have a single piece of paper to fill out. Also squirrely. I think my payment for the services rendered was put in a cigar box in the skeleton key locked drawer in the roll top desk in the office. I don't think she was really big on record keeping. It was a cash only operation. Kinda fishy. Like those people who try to sell you knock off t-shirts for $7 on West Addison Street after the Cubs games. Fishy. To her credit, she did seem to know her way around a back cracking. I'm not sure what it did for my ribs, but it was interesting to hear all of my vertebrae crack at once. Super bizarre. Much like the whole trip. I may not go back. I am suspicious. She gave me this weird magnesium tea stuff... made me gag. But, regardless, I'm back on the horse and back to work for 3 whole days. Then Aimee, Bear and I are off for some glorious green beer in the Colorado Backcountry! Torn intercostal muscle be damned!


Kristen said...

OK, I am sorry about your random torn muscle, but the result of that was some VERY entertaining blogging :) I especially like the part about the hairy legs and the cute doc (we've all been there), and the SWEET picture of the barbie horse. Nicely done. Oh, I also enjoyed the part about the Hannas returning to the Tetons...but for different reasons ;)

maureenfinnerty said...

Thanks Kristen!!! I'll try to work some other bizarre injury soon so I can blog a bit more. Miss you! (and of course, Bear is still trying to fill the void left by your lovely canine.)