Monday, March 31, 2008

I was just nowhere near your neighborhood...

So, if you're anything like me, you enjoy a good movie with an attractive, surpising hero and an equally self reliant heroine. Or something like that. The point is, that often, those great movies, no matter how original, become cliche through the magic of pop culture. Take for example, Say Anything. John Cusack in all of his trench coated glory with the boom box held over head blaring Peter Gabriel's classic In Your Eyes. How many of us put that on every make-out soundtrack from the time we were 15? I'm pretty sure, if I dug deep enough, I could find one of mine. Who am I kidding? It's still on my best soundtracks. Classic. That movie was so full of fabulous romantic moments that have now become oft imitated in todays searchers of the move that will get them the girl. Writing the letter, moving the glass from under her feet. Lloyd Dobbler was what he had intended to be for his career (aside from professional kickboxer), a good date. There have been many other moments of greatness in cinema that will certainly be imitated for years to come. Today, just for fun, think of your favorite, and what you would do if it really happened. This would have been a much better Valentine's day blog, but this blog isn't planned or timed. It's circumstantial. My favorite moment, by far, is from the movie Singles. To refresh... a cult classic starring Bridget Fonda, Matt Dillon, Kyra Sedgewick, and Cambell Scott involving single 20-somethings in Seattle in the early 90's. Oustanding sountrack, and, of course, my favorite romantic cinematic moment that possibly, maybe, has become a cliche... Cambell Scott as Steve, an engineer, arrives at the home of Kyra Sedgewick (Linda Powell, a greenpeace activist and reaseracher) and simply states, after a long awkward courtship and relationship, "I was just nowhere near your neighborhood..." What isn't long and awkward in relationships? But sometimes it doesn't much matter. They have you at hello.

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