Tuesday, March 31, 2009

There and Back Again

Annnd we're back! It only took a 2.5 hour flight from Auckland to Nadi, Fiji, an extremely hot and humid 7 hour layover in Fiji, a 10 hour flight from Fiji to Los Angeles, a 45 minute shuttle to the downtown LA Greyhound Station, a 2 hour wait in the bus station, and a 2.5 hour bus ride from Los Angeles to Palm Springs where our friend Tom picked us up and drove us back to Joshua Tree. We got into LA at the same time we had left Auckland. Something about crossing the International Date Line. It felt like March 30th would never end. It all went pretty well until we retrieved our packs. Clay's pack looked like it had gotten in a fight with a wolverine and the wolverine won. Total bust. It was so busted up that he couldn't even wear it. The airline company initially refused to do anything about it. Awesome, great to be back. But apparantly there are still some angels in the City of Angels. Or maybe we just looked really pathetic sitting on the floor trying to figure out how we could get the pack to a point where Clay could wear it for a bit. But the guy who had just denied us came over and said he felt really bad about it and would put a claim in with the airline company. I am pretty sure there will still be a lot of paperwork in our future but hopefully we will get reimbursed for some of Clay's pack. But that being the worst thing that has happened to us in in three months of backpacking gives you an idea how great of a trip this was. New Zealand is an amazing country that we only barely touched the surface of. But we are stoked to be back in the States. Putting on a new (new as in the sense that I haven't worn them everyday for the last three months) pair of pants this morning was emotional. Well we are excited to see everyone and can't wait hear about all your winter adventures :) Cheers!

*Special prize to anyone who knows the original work of literature that I plagurazied for the title of this blog entry.


Anonymous said...

isn't that a book bilbo baggins wrote

Ranger Bob said...

Welcome back Mr. and Mrs. Hanna! I am desperately getting ready to return to Alaska in my truck, Hanna style, too much stuff, too little truck. Got held over last week for six days by volcanic ash. I'll miss seeing you guys and the Tetons and miss not seeing you and Maureen in the Sierra but you are all welcome to drop in to Talkeetna!