Tuesday, March 3, 2009


As I get older, I'm starting to get picky. More picky than I was before. I'm picky about clothes left on the floor. I'm picky about toilet seats left up and dog hair drifting across the floor like tumbleweed. I'm picky about beer. Recently I have learned that I am picky about wine. Not saying that I have developed a taste to good wine, just that I'm picky about which cheap wine I will drink. In college, I remember many days drinking wine out of the box as if it were a drinking fountain on the playground. Then again, I also drank Jello shots out of ultimate discs (that were possibly also used as a game disc and/or and water bowl for the animals) and Keystone Light, so that is possibly not the best example. And that's right... I put Keystone Light in the same genre and dog water. But, as with food, everything tastes better when drank outside looking at the stars. Like a PBR found fortuitously wedged underneath a rock in an alpine lake. Or a magnum of Yellow Tail Merlot drank out of $2 plastic wine glasses purchased at Wal-Mart three hours into the trip. Somehow, it all tastes better outside. Word to the wise, however... once you make the switch from the Yellow Tail to the next price bracket, when you go back to the Yellow Tail, the first few sips have a bit of an acidic bite. :)


Amy said...

Wonderful pic of you!

Ranger Bob said...

Getting spoiled by good wine, good beer, and good coffee is a good thing. Glad to hear it.