Monday, May 12, 2008

Getting out of the Valley One Step at a Time

Literally, one carefully carved step placed on the steepest sections of trail with a mortar of sand and water at a time. Today's hike, like many trails in the valley, was straight up and included a multitude of impressive steps carefully placed by the CCC 70 years ago and ironically enough, they are all still maintained by the CCC today. There were at least 15 underpaid, overdressed kids between the ages of 17 and 22 replacing steps, moving logs, and dripping with sweat, putting in their time in Your National Parks. I didn't have the heart to tell them there was an easier way to get your foot in the door. Today I hiked the Yosemite Fall trail from Camp 4 to the top. It was 3000 vertical feet up in 3.5 miles. Neat. I very rarely go into 3000 vertical feet lightly... even though it's roughly half the elevation gain to many of the peaks in the Tetons. Still, I pack my Camelbak, a couple of granola bars, a fleece, some medical tape, and a rain jacket. And I feel prepared. Man did I learn a thing or two today about how to hike in Yosemite...

So here's how you do a 7 mile round trip, 3000 foot climb, Yosemite style:

1. Wear jeans or some other heavy, yet fashionable fabric

2. Wear a tight cotton t-shirt bearing the name of your favorite fraternity/sorority.

3. Fashion forward shades are a MUST. If they don't take up your entire face, you are LAME.

4. Carry all of your "hiking gear" in one of two containers--- either a black trash bag (doubles as a raincoat, you know) or an eco friendly tote.

5. Footwear, well, some sort of metro style rubber soled low support casual tennis shoe, clearly.

6. Bring no more than one pint of sparkling water in your favorite over priced container.

7. Large jewelery is preferred, but not required.

8. Bring your dog.

I was soooo not cool. But the hike was delightful and I was entertained the majority of the way. Kinda like when you go to the airport. The people watching is amazing. I've included some selected photos for your enjoyment. I felt it rude to photograph the actual visitors, but don't think I didn't think about it. I did. It would have been way funny. But to explain when I got caught would have been an awkward moment for which I was not in the mood. Enjoy!

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