Friday, May 16, 2008

Within a Mile of Home...

Actually I have about 800 miles and a lot of Nevada (and by a lot I mean all of it) to get across before I get to our summer abode in the Tetons. But I will be counting down the miles one by one until I get there. The good news is Clay stocked me up with new cds before he made his way across the Silver State and the Snake River Brewery in all it's beautifulness will be at the end of this journey. Oh yea and my husband will be there as well. (at the brewery I mean) Super. This summer will no doubt be different than previous summers. There are several faces that will be missing from our antics and adventures. But I believe we all end up where we need to be and I am stoked about the summer to come. My latest update from the Tetons said the ice on Jackson Lake has barely even cracked yet. And Clay is heading out early tomorrow before work to get some laps in at Laurel Lake, which he said you can still ski down to the car from. Fantastic. But with our plans for next winter still very much unknown I would have to admit that there are many things about the 'Silver State' I will miss if we do not return. My landlord not being one of them. The seizure inducing flashing lights of downtown Carson City I will not miss either. But I am thankful for the time I have had here and the good folks we have met. Here are a couple things I will miss about this place.

T Our Neighbors

The Lake

Hike up Mt. Tallac in October

The Herwiggy Ski Factory

Sweet, Sweet January 15'+ of fluffy emotional goodness

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