Friday, April 18, 2008

And just a quick sidenote on the job...

Probably the neatest thing about this job is when I tell people in the park where I'm working they give me this look as if to say, "Oh, you poor girl. They're going to eat you alive, you silly little interpreter." Then they loose control of their inner monologues and say, "Ooohhh." and they scrunch up their faces like they've just eaten a Sourpatch Kid. Then they usually follow with, "Well, you sure will have a busy summer, dear. Good luck with that." Neat. It's really encouraging. But, as I've said the whole time, "Bring It." It makes me feel more bad ass that way. Like I know what I'm doing. It's a whole lot of false confidence. (Which as Jimmy says, is the best kind) Bad guys don't know what kind it is either. I think I'll be fine. This blog is my self affirmation.

And on an unrelated topic, if anyone sees a used kid bike trailer that would fit a 7o pound pooch for cheap, I'm on the look out. It'll be funny. Trust me. Me and Bear... we gots to get around the valley in style, you know. Cheers!

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