Sunday, April 6, 2008

We live in Nevada

I can't tell you how many times a day we say that. It is the all encompassing excuse. Why? Because we live in Nevada. I write this blog because we are all about to not live in Nevada. Although I have found this experience of living in the Silver State to be an interesting chapter in the misadventures, I will not miss this state. It is dry. It is brown. It is warm. I was in the grocery store the other day. My trips to the grocery store are a get in, get what you need, and get out so you can go do something better experience. No. Not here in Nevada. Here in Nevada, you fill your carts to exploding, check out, then you sit in the entry way. Why? Because you live in Nevada. And you can sit there as your ice cream melts and your milk spoils playing slots. At the grocery store. In Nevada. We have driven across the state both west to east and north to south, and of course, back multiple times this winter. We should have taken photos of the double wide trailers along Hwy 395 with their larger flashing neon arrows like sirens, pulling in the 2am truckers to the "Gentleman's Palace- Girls, Girls, Girls". That neon siren is the only voice in the Nevada desert for hundreds of miles. Later this week, I will be leaving Nevada, to go to a state that is possibly it's antithesis. California. Funny where life takes you. Never did I ever think I would live in the most populous state in the west. I will surely miss Wyoming and it's lovely pronghorn. But I will no longer be in Nevada. And that will be okay. Aimee and Clay each have one more journey across Nevada to Salt Lake and eventually the Tetons. If all goes well, it will be their last trip across the Great Basin for quite some time. New adventures await. Time to leave Nevada.

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