Thursday, April 3, 2008

Cooties and the Miracle of Life

This was day two with the 2nd graders. And again, with the barrage of marriage inquiries. I asked them if they remembered asking me about that yesterday. They assured me they did not. Kids are so funny about that stuff. Someone told me they were much like dogs... no long term memories. I can only hope. I told them, once again, that I was still not married. Fortunately tomorrow, I teach high school kids. All of them will know perfectly well why I am not married. They have all had enough bad dates to know. And the kiddo issue, well, I'm sure they have seen that video in health class... you know- the birthing babies video. The Nova masterpiece The Miracle of Life. I think its an unwritten rule that all good Catholic moms make their daughters watch that when you turn 15. But those kids know. They all know. Except of course, the ones with kids or expecting kids. And I'm sure they wished they weren't making out in the janitor's closet during that lovely piece of cinematography. That did it for me. No more anything after that one. No more making out. No more even talking to boys. What they had was way worse than cooties. I'm still not sold on the idea that they have gotten rid of those. However, I am past the point where I can use that as an excuse not to go out with them. Barring exceeding attractiveness (At which point, it doesn't much matter if they have cooties. We all know that. You are so getting cooties!) I've had to come up with more adult excuses, like "... it's not you, it's me.", "...I have to do laundry." or "...I have to let my dog out." Don't ever buy that one. Dogs can hold it a long time. I'll save the rest of my romantic advice for my high school astronomy class. They'll need it.

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